弦上弦下· 南京卓美亚酒店声音放松体验中心·圣诞琴音之夜



迎接温暖圣诞 · 琴音放松之夜



12月1日周五17:30-19:00,在南京卓美亚酒店圣诞树点灯仪式这一天,弦上弦下品牌为大家带来一场温暖圣诞 · 放松主题的音乐会。

On Friday 17:30-19:00, December 1, the day of the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Jumeirah Nanjing, Stringology will present a Warm Christmas·Relaxation Theme Concert for our special invited guests.



地点:南京卓美亚酒店 · 41楼大堂展示区 + 63楼泰丽丝水疗中心体验区

Time: December 1, 2023 (Friday)17:30-19:00

Address: Jumeirah Nanjing 41st FL Lobby (Public Display) / 63rd FL Talise(Salon Concert for Invited Guests)



Two instructors from Stringology and special guest Garuda Das, will use fine monochord, together with the crystal bowls, hand pan and other instruments, to create a calm and quiet space for our audience, presenting a sound relaxation journey.



During this time, we will also invite guests to try the special monochord bed and monochord chair, to experience seamless resonance between the body and the sound of the instrument, to feel the harmony of the strings gently massaging the body, relaxing the brain and soothing the mood. Let's use the short time in this evening to shake off the fatigue of the week, adjust our moods, and welcome a wonderful weekend and a warm Christmas month together.



About Stringology



Founded in Beijing, China, Stringology introduces German sound relaxation healing instruments and a sound relaxation service system using monochord, featuring large monochord table and sound chairs, and working with partners to create a one-on-one high-end sound relaxation experience.




Stringology and Jumeirah Nanjing cooperate in-depth, introducing soothing sound relaxation services at the Talise Spa located on the 63rd floor of Jumeirah Nanjing, to bring you various themed concerts, experiential activities and workshops from time to time.



For more information, please visit Jumeirah Nanjing's official platform, Stringology’s Wechat account to keep up with the latest news. To book a service experience, please call Jumeirah Nanjing-Talise Spa.


 Players Bio


于淼兮 | Rita Yu





Co-founders of Stringology.

Certified Monochord player and sound massage therapist by Germany brand Feeltone; Certified Monochord Therapist of the Dankunya brand in Switzerland; Master of Music Education, Nanjing Normal University; Master of Music in Music Business and Music Technology, New York University.


艺晓 | Yashoda


弦上弦下认证单弦琴声音按摩与声音冥想导师,声音疗愈艺术家,身心灵整合音疗导师,国际瑜伽传播大使,美国瑜伽联盟E-RYT500认证导师,北京优胜美地瑜伽明星导师,中管培全国职业水平考评中心瑜伽疗愈技能培训导师与考评导师,清华大学社科院客座导师,Anahata Bhakta Kirtan乐队成员。

Stringology Certified Monochord Sound Massage and Sound Meditation Instructor, Sound Healing Artist, Body and Soul Integration Sound Healing Instructor, International Yoga Dissemination Ambassador, Yoga Alliance E-RYT500 Certified Instructor, Beijing Yosemite Yoga Star Instructor, Yoga Healing Skills Training Instructor and Assessment Instructor of China Management Training National Occupational Proficiency Examination Center, Tsinghua University Academy of Social Sciences Visiting Instructor, Anahata Bhakta Kirtan band member.



Special Guest


洋子 | Garuda Das


手碟演奏家,喜马拉雅颂钵疗愈师,阿斯汤伽导师,素食&生食料理师,噢姆唱诵组织人,Anahata Bhakta Kirtan乐队成员。

Hand Pan Player, Himalayan Singing Bowl Healer, Ashtanga Instructor, Vegetarian & Raw Food Culinary Chef, Om Chanting Organizer, Anahata Bhakta Kirtan band member.


63楼泰丽丝水疗中心 · 即将揭幕 · 敬请期待

Stringology·Jumeirah Nanjing

Sound Relaxation Experience Center

63rd Floor Talise Spa

To Be Unveiled Soon

Stay Tuned




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